Tuesday, February 27, 2007


Greetings! Today, I'd like to revisit an earlier post here at Castle Famous that showed some ghoulishly fun postcards. These were postcards that one would purchase in gift stores at Universal Studios Hollywood back in 1967.

First up is another postcard of the Musters set at Universal Studios. I'm not quite sure how many different Munsters postcards were produced in this series, but so far I'm counting four including this one which was graciously sent to me courtesy of George Chastain.

And while this next postcard may not be of the Munster family, it's still more than worthy to be sent to anywhere in the continental U.S.A. Who would dare to reject Vincent Price? Maybe someone who fancies being dipped into hot molten wax!

* Both pics courtesy of George Chastain.

Saturday, February 24, 2007


It's a very snowy day here in Minneapolis. The experts are calling for a total accumulation of 19" of new snow by Monday morning! Yippee!

Why not take a negative situation and turn it into a positive one by posting pics of a thematic monster on a snowy frontier? I'm talking about the 1962 Marx Abominable Snowman or officially known as the "Battery Operated Remote Control Yeti".

In all of my 20 years of plowing snow, I've yet to come across a Yeti roaming the streets in the middle of the night. In fact, in all of my years of collecting toys, I've yet to across a Yeti as a battery operated toy either. Those Yetis are just plain sneaky. Just as I am in sharing these pics that I stole from Ray's Gallery Of Monster Toys.

Friday, February 23, 2007


It's alive! These Castle walls are speaking once again! After a long hiatus, I've decided it's time to put the welcome mat back down and reopen these Castle doors to those seeking shelter. I shall try and be more hospitable in the coming months with the regularity of my posts. A well balanced diet of monsters high in fiber will encourage my regularity.

You will not remember what I show you now, and yet I shall awaken memories of love... and crime... and death...