Tuesday, August 29, 2006


Here is a great video of some family's home videos from the 1960s. This 8mm collection has everything going for it. There's a Christmas morning celebration, a St. Patrick's Day party, a summer backyard gathering of family and friends, a day at the beach, and even a swimsuit pageant for the adults! If you can spare 8 minutes of your time today, watch this collection of vintage family moments and see if it doesn't rekindle that spark of what family is all about! We all need to continue making more memories like these!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Terry, watch it and weep indeed. And I couldn't even finish watching this for choking up. It struck such resonance. Never wasted are tears are shed for visions of little Irish girls dancing and smiling Moms in their younger days. Let's realize not only how missed these times are, but also a refreshed determination to preserve and pass down the significant essence of what this film conveys. Anything that can make me want more children is powerful and potent! Thank you for stirring the paint on the bottom, for that's where all the color settles!
Your Friend, Paul

5:14 AM  

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